Monday, March 1, 2010

The supercallifragillisticexpiallidocious post

Sorry, I just wanted to type that word.  So, today, for Mystery Food Theatre, instead of using an Eat This, Not That! book, today, I actually looked at the nutrition label on the product.  This time, it's a breakfast cereal, like before with Smart Start (not so smart).  By the way, last week's answer was Hardee's Monster Biscuit.  Anyway, this cereal has 110 calories, 210 milligrams of sodium, 3 grams of fiber, 3 grams of sugars, and is nearly fat-free.  Comment on this post guessing what it is!

Trans fatty acids, also called trans fats, are some of the worst kinds of fats.  Before being made into trans fats (they're produced artificially), 2 carbon atoms are double-bonded and certain groups of atoms are bonded on one side of the molecule.  After hydrogenation (which turns the fats into trans fats), one of the groups of atoms shifts to the other side of the molecule, changing the molecular structure slightly.  To see an example of these molecules, go to  The images are on the second page.


  1. That cereal doesn't sound too bad- although it is a little low in the fiber department! Is it Cheerios?

  2. Toasted Oats cereal?

  3. If you actually looked on the label it must be in your it Captain Crunch's Crunch Berries?? (I know your father likes the "berries")

  4. It's not any of those. It does have only 3 grams of fiber, but that's a lot compared to plenty of other cereals like Corn Pops and Rice Krispies. I might and might not be able to post next week. We'll see.
