Monday, March 29, 2010

First off, for Mystery Food Theatre, the answer is... Nesquik!!!  Now, this week's, even without any hints, should be obvious.  It has 0 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 milligrams of sodium, potassium, and cholesterol, 0 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of protein, and no vitamins or minerals.

Second off, I will be talking about a show: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.  Jamie goes around to different cities, stays there for a couple weeks, and tries to make the people there eat healthier. (This also means "no highly processed foods" to him.)  He goes to a school in a city that was found to be the unhealthiest city in the world by a government statistic, and they're having pizza for breakfast.  For lunch, they have pizza or chicken nuggets.  He asks them what they had for dinner, and they basically had either chicken nuggets or pizza.  When Jamie Oliver cooked chicken and the kids had a choice between pizza and chicken (which Jamie made from scratch with a store-bought chicken), they chose the pizza.  I'm not telling you how it ends to keep the suspense.  (You can watch it on their website somewhere at

Third off, Bye!